Friday, January 27, 2012

Diagnosis! (27/365)

This photo was taken two days ago, but I wasn't ready to post it until today.

I had the chance last night (Thursday) to sit down with my mom and tell her about the aches and pains that I've been having since the middle of the pregnancy with Petite. I had spoken to my doctor a few times about them, and after the first time or two brushing them aside, she thought that I might benefit from a consult with a rheumatologist.

That's done. And so is the follow up.

Diagnosis? Psoriatic Arthritis.

I've been on meds for about two weeks now and the difference is absolutely phenomenal. I can, for the first time in three years, take stairs one after the other instead of one at a time.

I have been pretty tight-lipped about this but it's sort of because I was unsure about what was going on. And of course, now with a diagnosis, who wants to admit that at 41 years old you have arthritis?!?! But there you go. The good thing is, it's inflammatory, not degenerative and it can be controlled and really, quite well.

To be monitored as I get older of course. At least I know what it is and how to deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you have some answers, even if it wasn't an answer you were expecting/wanting, and great news on your treatments so far.
