Friday, June 29, 2012

Fussy! (181/365)

Tonight, for our movie and popcorn night, she was just fussy, and probably overtired. She spent much of the evening just rolling around on my bed.

Oh... and taking care of her baby. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

For Daddy (180/365)

She coloured this on the way to daycare this morning. She said, "I did it for Daddy. Give it to him." I made sure to send it to him as soon as I got to the office. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Musical Ride (179/365)

This is the police force I work for. And these are indeed Mounties. 

And yes, this is what people in foreign countries frequently think of when you say "Canada" to them. 

It was loads of fun for all! 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Caring for her Babies (177/365)

These days, she's very protective of her babies and spends a lot of time caring for them. Here, she is rocking them both to sleep. 

Such a good Mommy.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Infractions (176/365)

This is one of 23 photos of various violations and details that I took today. Usually our quiet, rural street is lovely. But for three months during the summer, we deal with people speeding, parking where they should not, narrowing our tiny street, being rude, leaving rubbish, and generally causing a disturbance in the area as they rush in to attend soccer games at the field at the end of our street. Not cool. At all. 

I was livid. 

A couple of times, I almost came to blows with one or two of these sh*t disturbers. They deserved it too. 

I ended up calling both Bylaw and Police Services to tend to the multitude of infractions on our street. Enough. 

Do NOT piss off the Newf. EVER. 

NOTE: I subsequently sent all 23 photos, along with a three-page letter to the police, bylaw services, parks and rec, various city officials, my councillor, other concerned neighbours and a local newspaper... just to ensure they follow up on this story, having interviewed some of us in the fall of last year. 

Like I said, do NOT piss off the Newf. EVER.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fun with Friends (175/365)

Attending a birthday party at a friend's house. Loads of fun for everyone!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Relaxin' (173/365)

When we moved into this house, I put up a couple of shelves at strategic windows for the cats. They continue to love them. This is Smudge, enjoying the breeze and just relaxing in the fresh air.

More Blooming (172/365)

I love it when the flowers put on a show. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Gift from a Special Friend (171/365)

Today, this came in the mail. 

It's a book and a handmade card for Petite from Vee's little one, Boo. These are treasures and it was so wonderful to receive them. Thank you Vee! And kisses to Boo from all of us please!

Monday, June 18, 2012

What the heck?! (170/365)

When Petite doesn't want to go to bed, she really doesn't want to go to bed. She did this last night in anger and frustration because we put her to bed and she absolutely didn't want to be there. Nice huh? Two and a half... closer to three years old. Not a mark on her crib from teething, but in anger, we get this.


Time to order the proper bedrails and get the girl a double bed methinks. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ziplining! (168/365)

We drove about 2 hours out of town over the river to la belle province so the big kids could zipline for my friend's daughter's 15th birthday. Hubby did it too! I stayed on the ground with Petite. But it sure looked fun. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bouncin' (166/365)

She may not be Tigger, but she's still got orange stripes and she bounces just as good as he does! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sickness (165/365)

Hubby wasn't feeling well. He called me from work and asked what cough medicines we had in the medicine cabinet. There were a few. Easiest thing to do? Take a photo and send it to him!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bricks? (164/365)

We desperately need to redo the flower bed out front and buy new brick work to build it up and landscape it properly. While I'd like the bricks on the right, I expect it will be the ones on the left, but the dark grey colour. I know it'll look really lovely when it's done. 

I'm hoping Hubby can pick these up tomorrow on his day off. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Invitation (163/365)

This invitation came in the mail today for Petite. Birthday party season has begun! Yay! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Touch a Truck was a Hit! (162/365)

A collage of photos (trying out the Instagram features) from today's fun time at the local Touch a Truck event. Here she is checking out the following (clockwise from top right): 

The cab of a fire truck
Atop a police ATV
The driver's seat of a school bus equipped for wheelchair users
The back of an ambulance with a kind officer who showed the kids around
The driver's seat of a water truck

Thank you to Neeroc, her DH and their daughter V who met up with us and helped to make it such a fun morning! 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mommy's Helper (161/365)

She put on her apron this morning. I was cooking in the kitchen and she wanted to "help" Mommy. So she put on her apron, stood on her bench and she helped. 

She's a great little Mommy's Helper too. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Taxes (160/365)

After a fashion, all taxes are done. From ALL years outstanding for both me and Hubby. We owe about $1800 all told. But it's done and the details are in the post. Thank goodness that's done! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Snack (159/365)

Petite is still adamant that she get her bottle before bed. Warm milk and a little something to munch on to tide her over til morning. She cuddles with me in my and Hubby's room, watching Toopy and Binoo before she heads to brush her teeth and wash her face, read a story, have a snuggle and (hopefully!) settle down at a decent hour. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kojin Mask (158/365)

A coworker of mine is about to embark on a month-long trip to Singapore and Japan. In discussing her itinerary, we talked about various cultural events. And I spoke to her of my Kojin mask. 

This was given to me by an older gentleman who handcrafts them. It hangs in my front entrance, way up high over the doorway. It wards evil spirits from the home (man, was it working at all last year?!?!) and protects those who live here. 

It makes me smile with the memory of my three years in Japan. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Theft (157/365)

We awoke the other morning to find this in our driveway. 

Obviously somebody absolutely NEEDED a mirror from a Mazda 3. 

Nice huh? 


Monday, June 4, 2012

Haircut (156/365)

Hubby took Petite for a haircut this morning. We tried to get her in over the weekend, but it just didn't work out. 

Hamming it up for the camera

The finished product, on a grumpy girl.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Fair (155/365)

Petite's first little local fair. 

She was all smiles...

... little daredevil. 

On the train

Flying on the elephants

Her FIRST rollercoaster!
She did just like I do; giggled her way through the entire thing! YAY! That's my girl!

Carousel with Daddy

Steering the boat

My stepson, J, and my friend's daughter, K. They're one year apart and have pretty much grown up together. They've become good friends in the last year or so. For this, I am glad. It's great to see them smile and have fun.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cuddle Buns (154/365)

My boys. Cuddled up tightly. 

This is Shadow, curled against my forearm as I lie in bed. He simply cannot get any closer. I keep thinking he's trying to merge his cells with mine. Alas. Cat cells and human cells in two separate masses simply do not mix well. But he is persevering; stubborn boy. In younger days, Shadow used to jump from the floor into my arms. I knew Hubby was the guy for me when Shadow did the same thing to him... the first day Hubby walked in my door!

And while Shadow is curled in my left forearm, Smudge is lying atop my right hip; I'm on my left side in bed. No joke. He sometimes sleeps there (I don't move much). He's quite content. He did turn around to oblige me for the photo though! 

Between the two of them, I'm frequently pinned down and unable to move an inch at night. Sometimes that's tough. But they will be 17 years old this year. One of these days, they won't be there to cuddle and I will be all sorts of mess trying to comprehend it. 

For now, I cuddle them tightly and enjoy it. Every moment.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Colouring (153/365)

Petite loves to play with my iPhone as I drive her to or from daycare. Now and then, she inadvertently takes screenshots of the pictures she colours. I found these on my phone today. The top one must have been from about two weeks ago, while the bottom one is from today. I notice she's getting better at staying in the lines!